I am a multimedia fluid artist based in Staffordshire, United Kingdom. I have been experimenting with flowing abstract techniques for the past 6 years, although I have over 25 years experience as a graphic designer and photographer. More recently I have expanded into illustration and am now working full-time as a tattoo artist.
My speciality is acrylic poured paintings, single pours on either canvas or wood using acrylic paints mixed with various pouring mediums. I am entirely self taught - though with a great deal of help and advice from various Facebook groups (a number of which I have helped to admin over the years).
My methods are very scientific and result in fluid artworks which are truly organic and random in nature - no two pieces are ever alike. This blend of ‘chemistry art’ is a rewarding release, therapeutic and amazingly addictive! All my pieces are completely unique and impossible to replicate (no matter how hard I try!)

I originally became interested in acrylic paint pouring after seeing the work of other artists; namely the amazing Emma Lindstrom and Arthur Brouthers.
Having not painted for over five years I was keen to dive into the abstract world - oddly something I had no love for in my earlier artistic years at college and university. I caught the abstract bug and future plans include experimenting with texture in large-scale abstract works.
Now that I've had a few years of experimenting with acrylic paint and various mediums - I feel I've arrived at my preferred current process, which produces organic textures with a more natural feel.
Cellular paint effects look interesting but they are no longer my focus as I want my pours to mimic celestial bodies, constellations and the night sky.​With my most recent works I am concentrating on combining abstract with realism; further embellishing my pours with hand-painted tree landscapes.